Zero Sievert - Module Guide (2024)

Newsvideo games17 November 2022, 18:07

author: Agnes Adamus

Zero Sievert is quite popular on Steam. Here you will find information on modules and their upgrades. This is because they are one of the most important elements of the game.

Table of Contents:

  • How to install module upgrades
  • List of modules

Zero Sievert is a post-apocalyptic top-down shooter. One option for improving your stats in the game is to build specific modules. Here you will learn how to build them and what exactly they give you. You will also find a complete list of modules.

How to install module upgrades

As a word of introduction. Initially, you will be able to install a workshop at level 0. This costs absolutely nothing and gives you little benefit. It goes through the following scheme:

  1. Open the Device bunker (by default under J).
  2. Go to the modules tab. There, click on the empty square and select the module you want to install.
  3. Confirm that you want to install the module in question.

You can instead upgrade them with specific raw materials to level one. In this way you will receive equal kinds of bonuses. To do this, you must build the improved module and use it in your inventory.

You must bear in mind that you can only install six different modules. So you need to think carefully about what you need. Of course, you can always dismantle a given workshop. However, this will result in a loss of raw materials. By far the best choice to put up will be Ammo, Infirmary, Scavenger and Storage.

  1. Zero Sievert - Multiplayer Explained; Is There?
  2. Zero Sievert - How to Extract and Split Stack
  3. Zero Sievert - Tips and Tricks for Beginners

List of modules

Below you will find a complete list of modules available in the game. You must bear in mind, however, that this news is based on the game's early access version. The functions of individual workshops and the raw materials required to build them may change. Additional modules may also be implemented.

Level 1 modules



Resources required

Building Kit: Storage 1

Unlocks the storage compartments under buttons 3-5

  • 35 x Scrap Material
  • 10 x Screw Nut
  • 10 x Nail
  • 2 x Metal Pipe
  • 1 x Hammer
  • 1 x Screwdriver
  • 1 x Wrench
  • 1 x Duct Tape

Building Kit: Bedroom 1

Increases learning speed and allows you to sleep adjacent to the workshop.

  1. 60 x Scrap Material
  2. 30 x Screw Nut
  3. 30 x Nail
  4. 4 x Pillow
  5. 4 x Metal Pipe
  6. 2 x Bulb
  7. 2 x Duct Tape
  8. 1 x Hammer
  9. 1 x Screwdriver

Building Kit: Infirmary 1

Adds a passive bonus to HP and allows you to create more medicine.

  1. 60 x Scrap Material
  2. 25 x Scrap Medicine
  3. 15 x Screw Nut
  4. 15 x Nail
  5. 5 x Metal Pipe
  6. 3 x Soap
  7. 2 x Bulb
  8. 2 x Hydrogen Peroxide
  9. 1 x Screwdriver
  10. 1 x Pillow

Building Kit: Kitchen 1

Increases the number of dishes that can be cooked.

  1. 50 x Scrap Material
  2. 15 x Screw Nut
  3. 15 x Nail
  4. 6 x Fork
  5. 6 x Spoon
  6. 6 x Knife
  7. 4 x Cooking Pot
  8. 4 x Metal Pipe
  9. 2 x Duct Tape
  10. 2 x Bulb
  11. 1 x Hammer
  12. 1 x Screwdriver

Building Kit: Workshop 1

Allows you to repair weapons and armor.

  1. 60 x Scrap Weapon
  2. 50 x Scrap Material
  3. 35 x Screw Nut
  4. 35 x Nail
  5. 4 x Bulb
  6. 1 x Hammer
  7. 1 x Drill
  8. 1 x Wrench
  9. 1 x Screwdriver

Building Kit: Ammo 1

Allows you to create ammunition and provides a daily supply of Scrap Ammo.

  1. 300 x Scrap Ammo
  2. 40 x Scrap Material
  3. 25 x Screw Nut
  4. 25 x Nail
  5. 15 x Charcoal
  6. 4 x Metal Pipe
  7. 1 x Hammer
  8. 1 x Screwdriver
  9. 1 x Duct Tape

Building Kit: Recycling 1

Guarantees more materials obtained from scrap materials.

  1. 100 x Scrap Material
  2. 100 x Scrap Ammo
  3. 50 x Scrap Weapon
  4. 25 x Scrap Medicine
  5. 30 x Scrap Food

Building Kit: Forge 1

Provides a daily supply of Scrap items.

  1. 120 x Scrap Material
  2. 30 x Screw Nut
  3. 30 x Nail
  4. 30 x Charcoal
  5. 2 x Hammer
  6. 1 x Drill
  7. 1 x Screwdriver
  8. 10 x Bread
  9. 8 x Bottle of Water
  10. 5 x Vodka
  11. 5 x Tushonka
  12. 3 x Generic Cola
  13. 3 x Pasta
  14. 2 x Coffee
  15. 2 x Tea Bag
  16. 1 x Portable Console

Building Kit: Scavenger 1

Grants a random item every day.

  1. 120 x Scrap Material
  2. 30 x Screw Nut
  3. 30 x Nail
  4. 30 x Charcoal
  5. 2 x Hammer
  6. 1 x Drill
  7. 1 x Screwdriver
  8. 10 x Bread
  9. 8 x Bottle of Water
  10. 5 x Vodka
  11. 5 x Tushonka
  12. 3 x Generic Cola
  13. 3 x Pasta
  14. 2 x Coffee
  15. 2 x Tea Bag
  16. 1 x Portable Console

Building Kit: Shooting Range 1

Grants more experience for practicing on the shooting range and increases the damage dealt by weapons.

  1. 150 x Scrap Ammo
  2. 60 x Scrap Material
  3. 60 x Scrap Weapon
  4. 20 x Screw Nut
  5. 20 x Nail
  6. 6 x Metal Pipe
  7. 1 x Hammer
  8. 1 x Screwdriver
  9. 1 x Duct Tape

Building Kit: Gym 1

Grants more experience for exercise and grants a bonus to stamina.

  1. 20 x Scrap Material
  2. 5 x Bulb
  3. 4 x Dumbell
  4. 3 x Fan

Building Kit: Garden 1

Provides a daily supply of Scrap Food and Scrap Medicine

  1. 80 x Scrap Material
  2. 40 x Scrap Food
  3. 25 x Nail
  4. 10 x Screw Nut
  5. 4 x Metal Pipe
  6. 2 x Duct Tape
  7. 2 x Hose
  8. 1 x Hammer
  9. 1 x Screwdriver

Level 2 modules



Required raw materials

Building Kit: Storage 2

Unlocks the storage compartments under buttons 6-9

  1. 80 x Scrap Material
  2. 40 x Screw Nut
  3. 40 x Nail
  4. 4 x Metal Pipe
  5. 2 x Hammer
  6. 2 x Duct Tape
  7. 1 x Screwdriver
  8. 1 x Wrench
  9. 1 x Drill
Zero Sievert - Module Guide (2)

Agnes Adamus

Agnes Adamus

Associated with since 2017. She started with guides and now mainly creates for the newsroom, encyclopedia, and marketing. Self-proclaimed free-to-play games expert. Loves strategy games, simulators, RPGs, and horrors. She also has a weakness for online games. Spent an indecent number of hours in Dead by Daylight and Rainbow Six: Siege. Besides that, she likes horror movies (the worse, the better) and listen to music. Her greatest passion, however, is for trains. On paper, a medical physicist. In fact, a humanist who has loved games since childhood.


Zero Sievert - Module Guide (2024)


How do you use modules in zero sievert? ›

To install a module the player needs to access their device and select the house icon to open the hideout page, from where an empty slot can be selected. They then need to select the module they want and click and hold (where written to do so) to confirm.

What is storage level 2 in zero sievert? ›

Storage Lvl 2 is one-time use to add 3 inventory slot to your Bunker stash. It can be used only once for this effect.

How does module work? ›

In computer software, a module is an extension to a main program dedicated to a specific function. In programming, a module is a section of code that is added in as a whole or is designed for easy reusability.

How do I use one module in another module? ›

  1. Identify the Module to Import: Determine which module contains the components, directives, pipes, or services you want to use in another module. ...
  2. Import the Module: In the module where you want to use the functionalities from the other module, import it using the import statement.
Apr 29, 2024

Can you split items in zero sievert? ›

To use items, you can right click on the item to open up a small menu giving you options. To read descriptions of an item, hover over the selected item. To split a stack of items, move the item selected over to a different slot and hold Control while releasing LMB.

How long does it take to beat zero sievert? ›

Main Story132h
Main + Extras277h 15m
All PlayStyles367h 20m

What does the shooting range do in Zero Sievert? ›

Shooting range module increases Damage by at least 6.67%, likely 10%. Higher value is better.

Is ZERO Sievert procedurally generated? ›

ZERO Sievert is a tense top-down extraction shooter that challenges you to scavenge a procedurally-generated wasteland, loot gear, and explore what's left of a devastated world.

Where to find Bogdanov ZERO Sievert? ›

Head to the Makeshift camp. At the quest marker you will find Bogdanov, usually alone. Kill him, then continue exploring or extract using 1 of the 2 extraction points.

How do you get fire crystals in ZERO Sievert? ›

Fire crystal are looted from large red crystal looking objects. They are surrounded by dangerous anomalies that deal massive amounts of damage when you get too close. Use the "G" key [default] to throw bolts in order to find a path that will not end in a fiery death.

How to use es module? ›

How to Use an ES Module
  1. Step 1: Create a project directory. Create a project folder—where this project's HTML and module files will reside.
  2. Step 2: Create your code files. Create the following files inside your project folder: ...
  3. Step 3: Add the modules to your HTML document. ...
  4. Step 4: View your app.
May 11, 2022

How do I use NMS modules? ›

(PS4/PC/Xbox) on a module and click on a General or Technology slot to install it. Installing them in general slots comes at the expense of inventory space. For example one can install three movement modules in general slots and three more movement modules in the technology slots and have their cumulative bonus.

How do you separate items in ZERO Sievert? ›

To split a stack of items, move the item selected over to a different slot and hold Control while releasing LMB. This splits the stack in half.

What is module zero? ›

Module Zero implements all the fundamental concepts of the ASP.NET Boilerplate framework such as tenant management (multi-tenancy), role management, user management, session, authorization (permission management), setting management, language management, audit logging and more.

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